Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Dream Deferred...

For as long as can remember, I've wanted to be a writer. My 3rd grade teacher, Mr. David Bible, introduced me to Langston Hughes and challenged me to write my first short story -- and I was hooked. In fact I went into the journalism program at Otterbein College with the intention of being a writer and editor. I wanted to be the person to assist writers (published and unpublished) in their journey to telling the story they envisioned in your mind; to cultivate an idea's expression into a story worth reading and to be an ear of advice to the novice. But no one told me how to make this dream a reality when after graduating from undergrad and I could not land a job in the journalism field, I turned to the jobs I could get, and away from the jobs I wanted. 

Fast forward some years (I won't tell how many) and I had deferred that dream. But it was still knocking. 
Blogging has been the fuel for many writers to put their thoughts, opinions, ideas and stories to life without the backings of a traditional publishing house. Specifically, this blog has provided me a platform to talk about my struggles (past and present) and my life. It was this blog that propelled a family member to solicit me for help for his wife who is writing a memoir. To make a long story short, I have my first official editorial client! 

Keep in mind, I've done this kind of work before. Edited manuscripts when asked to, created and re-formatted resumes. But although I was operating in the form of an editor, I didn't take it seriously. So, it didn't take me seriously. It wasn't until recently that I started looking at my life from the inside. What I mean is writing down and envisioning the life I wanted. Then, looking within with the power that God gave me to bring it to fruition. Not looking on the outside to think of an excuse not to! But look for the reason inside myself that was always there! Not waiting for the right job to come around--but creating the job I wanted. Creating the life I want to live. This is the case for every area. No more excuses, no more fear! The will to do it was inside me all along...



  1. This is conformation!!! So glad you're going forth!!! Thank you for sharing :-)

    1. Thank you Ms. Jackie! I appreciate your consistency and support!

  2. This is awesome! God naturally will bring out our gifts when the time is right. Praise God, this really ministers to me and motivates me to continue to strive. God Bless you!

    1. Thank you for reading! I am glad you enjoyed it. God Bless you as well :-)

  3. May I offer encouragement, keep on writing Tiff!
