Saturday, January 25, 2014

Love: In Your Words

"Love is what you make and with whom you make it." -- Love Jones.

"Don't settle for a relationship that won't let you be yourself." -- Oprah Winfrey.

"So it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this everyday. But I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me, everyday..." --The Notebook.

"Love is friendship caught on fire." - Laura Hendricks.

And so I ask you, what is love -- to you? Is it romantic moments with your husband? The freedom of being alone? Time spent with your friends? Watching your child sleep? 

One of the most crucial times in my life on my journey to love was when I began to spend time with myself. Not entertaining the next man because I wanted to be dined. Not finding jealousy in my friends successes of marriage and pregnancy (and not forcing myself as the third wheel). Not overly exerting my loneliness on my children as a means for them to bring me attention. No. Just getting to know myself, enjoying being alone without feeling lonely (there is a difference). Practicing the art of being patient. Shedding myself of self-doubt, insecurity, bad choices...all while in solitude. It was a season of contentment for me. My husband says as a result, when he met me, he sensed this contentment and fortitude I had of myself. 

So here's your chance...As St. Valentine's Day approaches, I'd like to hear from you all. What is love to you? When was your defining moment, moments or season in which you believe you found love? Or, if you're searching for this meaning, what does your search look and feel like? I want to hear from you!

I'll be featuring your responses on my blog the week of February 9th! Please send all comments and opinions to my email: Because love is not short and quick but complex and rich, there is no word maximum or minimum. Both men and women are encouraged to submit their thoughts!

I cannot wait to hear of your love journey!


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