Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Is A Lifestyle

Today's the day. The last Thursday of November. When Americans reflect on what and whom they're thankful for. For some people the days, weeks and months leading up to this day is cause for deep reflection on what they are thankful for. However I'd like to challenge that thinking in all of us.
True thanksgiving is not a day it even a season. Isn't it funny that the country's only official day to give thanks is becoming increasingly overshadowed by commercialism and shopping. Black Friday used to start on Friday. Now, stores are opening their doors to shoppers on late Thursday evening--cutting into the time and energy we ate supposed to be spending with family and friends. 

I'll admit it, my mind has been on shopping and what deals I can find and even if I'll make the adjustment to shop a day earlier. But I believe that's the American standard of living which often times is fast-living, narcissistic and commercialism. Lets me be clear; I love this country and the freedoms that come with being its citizen. But I'm afraid I get too accustomed to the ways of the world and not to the heart of things. That's why my family communes in a prayer circle every night and tell God what we are thankful for. Even at 3, 4 and 5 they need to learn the lifestyle of being thankful. Thankfulness means everyday we reflect on what could have been and tell God how glad we are it wasn't. Everyday we check with our friends to see how their day was and not take that friendship for granted. Thankfulness is performed through words, speech, attitudes and actions. Make thanksgiving a lifestyle!

Have a great holiday everyone!

I'm off to spend time with my family! 


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