Monday, December 2, 2013

Small Business Saturday: Time Spent Empowering Our Girls

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is widely becoming known as Small Business Saturday. On this day, consumers are highly encouraged to support locally owned stores for their products and/or services. I spent my Saturday doing just that!

I had the honor of participating as an Eryn PiNK role model for Eryn PiNK, Ltd. Eryn PiNK, a for-profit organization, was created to provide positive role models to our young ladies. Founded by my friend Eryn Nicole, the organization believes in fostering confidence, positive self-branding and healthy lifestyles. Eryn PiNK offers workshops and other services to facilitate these ideas in the future women of America. 

                     Founder of Eryn PiNK, Eryn Nicole

Each girl introduced themselves by saying their name, age, school attended and two things they like about themselves. It was refreshing and enlightening to hear girls talk about their long legs, hair, eyes, style and personality as a point of pride. One girl even said her favorite thing about herself was her "awkwardness!" Go girl!

Saturday's workshop with 15 girls (ages 11-16) was led by Eryn Nicole and focused on branding yourself. Girls were taught the basics of advertising/marketing, what a brand is and how it is connected to a logo. Further, those concepts were tied to how you feel about a certain brand or the value you get from being attached to it. All of these concepts were related back to each girls' personal brand, what they value individually and how everyone is their on brand!

After the break, it was time for the Eryn PiNK Bow FactoryThe girls made their own hair bows...because every girl needs one! Attached to it, each girl wrote their own personal message about what they learned about the workshop and what they wanted to share with another girl down the line.

Photo from: Eryn PiNK Ltd. Facebook page

Photo from: Eryn PiNK Ltd. Facebook page

Aside from being with my family or friends, this is the best way to spend my day---giving back and imparting values to our young girls. It's a passion of mine and I was honored to spend it alongside Eryn PiNK! For more information on the services, please contact Eryn PiNK via their website, by email ( or by calling 614.285.PINK.

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