Thursday, December 19, 2013

End of an Era.

On September 27, I lost my job. Though rather expected it was still shocking. I instantly became a stay at home mom. I took my last walk to the bus stop with my daughter this morning. In January, it's back to full-time employment for me. Of course, I was more sad than she was. She was more excited about the fact that her Dad will be walking her and not me lol. 

In any case, I've enjoyed spending the last few months with the kids. Learning with them, teaching them, watching their eyes light up when they've mastered something they had previously struggled with, being on-call to wipe their tears and challenging them to work through their obstacles. In addition, I've started my journey as a writer with this blog. I'm confident that starting my online presence won't be diminished once I begin working again. I've found a job (really, the job found me) with an organization that believes in family time, support and community. I was missing that piece before but won't fall into the same whole twice. 

Parenting is vast and deep--not narrow and straight. Even as parents we go through seasons of change. In January we'll enter another season, new and different--but still exciting! And after that one, will come another. And so on and so on. Thanks to my husband and children for seeing me through this season...can't wait to ride this next one with them!

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