Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Pains

"Writin' for my life 'cause I'm scared of a day job." - Common. They Say, Be.

I remember hearing this lyric for the first time. Hair on arms raised, chills through my body. THAT'S the type of dedication I wanted to put into my writing. To be so fearful not to get caught up the mundane, check-to-check living that writing would become my fuel (and paycheck) for life. And to be so fearless that no one could talk me out of living the life my imagination birthed to reality--no matter how abnormal or unpredictable a writer's life can be.

But today, I'm writing my first published blog post in MONTHS. I'm working to finalize a children's book and I have 100+ pages of a novel in limbo. Projects started but not finished, ideas imagined but fed with no action therefore remaining fiction. My day job is rewarding but draining and the schedule most times does not coincide with my family's lifestyle. I find myself attempting to fit reading, writing, literacy, self-worth, self-actualization and all things related into any/every job I have. Fact is, until I do it, I'll be searching for it. Until these things are an everyday, integral part of my work, I'll be seeking after it. So, it's time to get serious.

On this first Monday of September--Labor Day--my day job allows me the day off. But tonight, I'm laboring through these words to feed my spirit. Laboring through sleepiness, dishes waiting in the sink, lunch to be packed and clothes needing to be ironed...all for tomorrow. Tomorrow can wait, there's work to do today. My passion has been waiting long enough. I've talked myself out of writing on my blog for reasons that include but are not limited to:

"The blog is not the right format."
"I need to develop more of a niche."

However, in order to be a must first WRITE!

There can be no criticism of my layout or content without words on pages for people to read. No excuses. It's time for me to get serious! The layout might change, name might change but these words in my head can't stop, won't stop!

I. Will. Write.

The key to writing write.

Love what you do, and do what you love.

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